This page last changed on May 17, 2005 by gnt.

The udp connector can be used to send and receive mule events as datagram packets.

The javadoc for this provider can be found here.

Udp Connector Properties

Property Description Default Required
timeout The socket read timeout 5000 Yes
bufferSize the buffer size used to read and write data 64*1024 Yes
retryCount The number of times to try and connect a listener to a socket 2 Yes
retryFrequency The number of milliseconds to wait beween retries 2000 Yes


The following transformers are used by default for this connector unless a transformer is explicitly set on the provider.

Transformer Description
ByteArrayToString Converts a byte array to a String
StringToByteArray Converts a String to a byte array
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27